occupies one unit of the many Housing Development Board (HDB) flats in the northern part of Singapore. Proudly containing a library, two working rooms, a kitchen and a storeroom (which HDB intended as a bomb shelter), it is the living, drawing, thinking, reading, writing, publishing, sharing, cooking and hiding space of Singapore artist Tang Ling Nah.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Exhibition Jun-Jul 2010
本展覽《對畫:臺北》延續了 2008 年在新加坡 FOST Gallery 所舉辦的《對畫》,2009年在香港舉辦的《對畫:香港角》。此次轉換場地至臺北展出,除了期望透過藝術家的作品,探討當代『畫』,也希望各國藝術家能進行交流與觀眾『對話』。因此,展覽期間會舉辦藝術家講座和工作坊。
What is drawing? What is a drawing? Why do artists still make or think about drawing?
Beyond presenting drawings as a primary medium of expression, this exhibition explores artists’ multi-faceted relationships with drawing as a muse, a thinking tool or a subject to be revisited in other art forms such as sculpture, animation, performance and installation.
Drawing Out Conversations was first presented at FOST Gallery, Singapore, in 2008, and then in Hong Kong in 2009 as Drawing Out Conversations: Hong Kong Leg. Now in Taipei, it continues to explore what contemporary drawing encompasses, and hopes to encourage dialogues among artists and audience. There will be artists’ talks and workshops during the exhibition period.
藝術家 Artists:
臺灣 Taiwan
江元皓 Iuan-Hau CHIANG
簡俊成 Chun-Cheng CHIEN
劉文瑄 Mia Wen-Hsuan LIU
邵樂人 Larry SHAO
香港 Hong Kong
何倩彤 Sin-Tung HO
新加坡 Singapore
曾凱群 Kai-Qun CHUN
邱慧強 Huey-Chian KHIEW
唐大霧 Da-Wu TANG
陳玲娜 Ling-Nah TANG
美國 U.S.A.
Minette Lee MANGAHAS
陳玲娜 Ling-Nah Tang
開幕 Opening:
星期日 下午二時
Sunday 14:00
開幕嘉賓 Guests-of-Honour:
Hai-ming HUANG, Director, Department of Culture Industry, National Taipei University of Education
藝術家講座 Artists’ Talk:
Sunday 16:00
閉幕茶會 Closing Party:
星期日 下午二時
Sunday 14:00
展覽日期 Exhibition Dates:
開放時間 Gallery Hours:
週三至週日 Wednesday~Sunday, 14:00~21:30
展覽地點 Venue:
Nanhai Gallery, National Taipei University of Education (No. 3, Lane 19, Sec. 2, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100, Taiwan)
電話 Telephone: (02) 2392 5080
展覽相關網站 Website:
工作坊 Workshops:
工作坊一律臺幣200, 每班只限12人。有興趣者,請在2010.6.25之前寫電郵給陳玲娜報名。謝謝!有關最新資料,請參閱網站。
All workshops are at NTD200, limited to 12 participants. If interested, please email Ling-Nah TANG before 2010.6.25. Thank you! Please refer to the website for updated details.
6.27 Sun 15:00~17:30 文字作畫:用書法敘述故事Drawing with Writing: Calligraphy as Storytelling in Art by Minette Lee MANGAHAS (14 歲以上For 14 years & above)
7.04 Sun 14:00~17:30 紙的第三面The Third Side of Paper by 劉文瑄Mia Wen-Hsuan LIU (18歲以上For 18 years & above)
7.11 Sun 15:00~17:00 跟炭筆的約會A Date with Charcoal by 陳玲娜Ling-Nah TANG
(12 歲以上For 12 years & above)
7.18 Sun 15:00~17:00 大家來畫畫! Let’s All Come & Draw! by 陳玲娜Ling-Nah TANG (12 歲以上For 12 years & above)
查詢 Contact:
陳玲娜 Ling-Nah TANG
主辦單位 Main Organizer:
炭索工作室 activated C studio
協辦單位 Co-organizer:
Nanhai Gallery, National Taipei University of Education
資助單位 Supporters:
新加坡國際基金會 Singapore International Foundation
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